+64 27 462 4872 editor@mahurangi.org.nz

The Mahurangi Magazine

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Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity
primarily pre-pandemic content accessible from this page. Go to lastest content…

STV bicentennial extraordinary town-hall talk

Why a small Mahurangi tidehead town might launch the bicentennial celebrations…

Mahurangi Coastal Trail taking shapely

Most of the coastal trail is already in use, has been for decades…

Coastal Trade on the Mahurangi River

Historical Archaeology of Coastal Trade on the Mahurangi River – Bree Wooller

doors open for refreshments 5 pm – talk begins 5.30 pm

Thursday 25 July Warkworth Town Hall Talk

The Secret Life of Whitebait, by Sophie Tweedle. Talk begins 5.30 pm

Monday 25 March draft structure plan deadline

Deadline for feedback on Draft Warkworth Structure Plan was midnight 25 March

Exploring alternatives to losing the Wilson weir

With a stay of execution for the Wilson weir comes the imperative to learn so much more

Mahurangi Regatta 2019 and Up the Mahu!

Celebrating 42nd anniversary of revival, and first two-day Mahurangi Regatta!

Second time science mussels into the Mahurangi

…green-lipped mussel reef establishment is a bold and emblematic means of addressing

the Mahurangi Harbour’s elevated sediment accumulation rate…

Odds against tomorrow without ultimate sacrifice

Youth-led breeding moratorium humanity’s best, but possibly only hope.

Unlocking the magic of places – an impossible dream for Warkworth

Change is inevitable. What is not inevitable is the quality of that change…

Kids Voting curtain-raiser could electrify elections

…what better way for a family with school-aged to share the voting experience, than by discussing the Kids Voting results … then compare with the real thing, as it played out over the next hour or two…

1865 Mahurangi Regatta comparable with Cowes

1865 Mahurangi Regatta comparable with Cowes

The first Mahurangi Regatta is not remembered, but Joseph Gard noted in his diary that he saw the event in progress on New Year’s Day, 1858, while passing up-river on his way home from Auckland. The regatta of 1865 almost did not occur. On 28 December, the New Zealand

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Talking Heads community vhf land mobile radio

Talking Heads community vhf land mobile radio

In an ideal world, or even a fractionally less perverse one, the free-regatta-shuttlebus drivers would need to do nothing more than download an app. The cellular coverage at Scotts Landing would be so comprehensive that the opportunity, for example, for a driver to…

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Weed control’s loss wicked sediment mitigation gain

Weed control’s loss wicked sediment mitigation gain

“The good roads in the north, are in the south.” Thomas R Roydhouse, fourth owner–editor of the Rodney Times, in his lament to parliamentarians he’d enticed to the Mahurangi tidehead town, reflected that following deforestation, Warkworth was an island in a sea of…

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covid-19 didn’t mobilise but climate must

covid-19 didn’t mobilise but climate must

Fifty-one weeks ago, the Mahurangi Magazine warned: “The eventual toll of this pandemic could be in the order of 3 million deaths.” At the time, the reported global toll had only just exceeded 100 thousand, but the calculation wasn’t complex. Subtract the population…

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