+64 27 462 4872 editor@mahurangi.org.nz

The Mahurangi Magazine

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Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity
primarily pre-pandemic content accessible from this page. Go to lastest content…

STV bicentennial extraordinary town-hall talk

Why a small Mahurangi tidehead town might launch the bicentennial celebrations…

Coastal Trade on the Mahurangi River

Historical Archaeology of Coastal Trade on the Mahurangi River – Bree Wooller

doors open for refreshments 5 pm – talk begins 5.30 pm

Thursday 25 July Warkworth Town Hall Talk

The Secret Life of Whitebait, by Sophie Tweedle. Talk begins 5.30 pm

Monday 25 March draft structure plan deadline

Deadline for feedback on Draft Warkworth Structure Plan was midnight 25 March

Exploring alternatives to losing the Wilson weir

With a stay of execution for the Wilson weir comes the imperative to learn so much more

Mahurangi Regatta 2019 and Up the Mahu!

Celebrating 42nd anniversary of revival, and first two-day Mahurangi Regatta!

Second time science mussels into the Mahurangi

…green-lipped mussel reef establishment is a bold and emblematic means of addressing

the Mahurangi Harbour’s elevated sediment accumulation rate…

Odds against tomorrow without ultimate sacrifice

Youth-led breeding moratorium humanity’s best, but possibly only hope.

Unlocking the magic of places – an impossible dream for Warkworth

Change is inevitable. What is not inevitable is the quality of that change…

Kids Voting curtain-raiser could electrify elections

…what better way for a family with school-aged to share the voting experience, than by discussing the Kids Voting results … then compare with the real thing, as it played out over the next hour or two…

Act now and Aotearoa could own Democracy Day 2021

Act now and Aotearoa could own Democracy Day 2021

With Donald Trump’s best prospects now being immediate resignation and prompt a Mike Pence pardon, the United States’ flawed democracy might now survive long enough to face redemption. Shy seven weeks, it is 20 years from the United States election that…

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25% less democracy doesn’t equate to 25% less can-kicking

25% less democracy doesn’t equate to 25% less can-kicking

Blamed for everything from the lack of climate-action mobilisation to the lack of a capital gains tax, to the failure to raise the retirement age, the three-year parliamentary term—it is persistently opined—must go. Evidence for the efficacy of longer parliamentary terms….

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$30 million Mahurangi action plan

$30 million Mahurangi action plan

$3 million over 5 years seemed, for a moment there in 2004, as though all the Mahurangi Harbour’s Christmases had come at once. Even in today’s money, $9.06 million is more than twice the 2004 amount, but nor, back then, does it mean that the Mahurangi’s sediment woes…

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Making molehills out of mobilisation mountains

Making molehills out of mobilisation mountains

What should have been no worse than a four-thousand-death epidemic is determinedly on its way to becoming an at-least-four-million-death pandemic—a cruel and unnecessary global demonstration of the nothing-to-see-here-folks instincts of bureaucrats and…

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Democratic climate-action mobilisation or martial law

Democratic climate-action mobilisation or martial law

That which should have been one of the most influential books of all time ranks 302 209 places behind Nevil Shute Norway’s On the Beach in Amazon’s best sellers, speaks volumes. Comparing Shute’s fiction with Dr James Hansen’s non-fiction Storms of My Grand…

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