Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity—
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First-past-the-post dictates one tick
Voters, reasonably, seek to get their money’s worth. But thanks to obdurate royal commissioners, Auckland Council remains stuck in the bad old days of first-past-the-post, and voters are about to be short-changed. This is manifestly evident in the crowded, 18-strong…
Car-free Te Muri with coastal trail no mirage
The indications were entirely auspicious, even before the wrap-up. Then the commissioners, who had just finished hearing submissions on the future development of Te Muri, outlined the points they expected Auckland Council’s planning officers…
Tessa Berger’s snazzy billboards
Although sick was more likely word for a millennial to use, snazzy was the immediate reaction of one of Tessa Berger’s strongest local supporters, and, no doubt, that the majority of the Mahurangi Magazine’s demographic. “You will certainly add a…
Magazine receives boost from Berger board bid
Mahurangi ‘bulletins’ had been getting progressively more ambitious, climaxing, in January 2007, with the first, glossy magazine format, Mahurangi Magazine. The proximate spur was the need to fill the void left when the Mahurangi Cruising…
Exactly two weeks to enrol those elusive 18–29-year-olds
In 2013, Len Brown was elected by a mere 16.5% of Aucklanders registered to vote. This was the result of an abysmal 35% turnout, and marginal popularity combined with the inevitable consequences of first-past-the-post. Dazed and disillusioned…
Convince the commissioners and Te Muri car-free forever
Auckland Council and the community are now in accord. Scheduled to be published today, are the council’s recommendations to the commissioners who will effectively determine the future of Te Muri. When the draft management plan was published in November 2015, most…
Promise of better regional planning fulfilled in the Mahurangi
Sometimes the wait for a win can be a long one. But the issue that precipitated the formation of Mahurangi Action 42 years ago has finally been put to bed. In 1974, the then Warkworth Town Council was belatedly beginning to address its discharge of its septic sewage,...
Unformed-legal-road stopping stopped in its tracks
Forty-four-plus objections in four days, and it was all over. That is, all over for the Pakiri Hill paper-road stopping for the present, as the property holder may yet choose to go another round and slug it out in the Environment Court, but more about that possibility...