Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity—
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Deadly steamboat rivals
The Rose Casey was bought late in 1888 by Alexander McGregor, who had just left the management of the Northern Steamship Company (which he had founded in 1881; see later). He kept her on her well-established runs, advertising at New Year 1889 improved services and weekend…
Casey’s empire
After these three abortive starts, the honour of establishing the first lasting steam service to the Mahurangi fell to the paddle steamer Lady Bowen. Her owner was the Irish entrepreneur, Jeremiah Casey, born in Cork in 1820, son of a farmer. Around 1845 he married…
Steam comes to the Mahurangi
Henry Pulham in 1889 recalled the beginnings of steamboat service to the Mahurangi. He said the cutter Francis was the only means of getting to town, although for some weeks in 1855 the steamer Wonga Wonga ran here. Some settlers were persuaded…
Steam comes to the Waitematā
In the wider world, the great age of steam was well under way, a product of the inventive spirit of British engineering. As railways crisscrossed Britain in the 1830s, the first steamships were being built, and were destined to have a profound impact on global navigation. The first…
About-face for future Warkworth
Old Warkworth turned its back on the Mahurangi River. Although an egregious act of disrespect, Warkworth settlers were forward-looking Victorians, wedded to smart coaches and fast trains. The river had utility, but steamboats were a yesterday’s…
Te Muri officially splendidly private-light-vehicle-free forever
If they understood the momentousness of their decision, there was no outward indication. On Tuesday morning, Auckland Council, without discussion, voted to adopt the recommendations of the independent commissioners on Te Muri. Given that between its purchase…
Mahurangi Regatta 2017 results
Friday Night-Race to Mahurangi A Division Line honours Thelma 1st Katrina II 2nd Prize 3rd Thelma 4th Jenanne B Division Line honours Aramoana 1st Aramoana 2nd Jonquil 3rd Corona 4th Frances 5th Kotuku 6th Tango 7th Tucana A Modern Line honours Psyche 1st Psyche 2nd Marionette 3rd Pavo…
Mahurangi Regatta 2017 gallery
Mahurangi Regatta supportersAuckland Council Browns Bay Boating Club Bucklands Beach Yacht Club Citywide Electrical Classic Yacht Association Devonport Yacht Club Friends of Regional Parks Gulf Harbour Yacht Club ICIB Insurance Brokers Mahurangi Cruising Club—host...