Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity—
primarily pre-pandemic content accessible from this page. Go to lastest content…
Seriously steeling the green network backbone
Whether the green network proposed in the Draft Warkworth Structure Plan is fit-for-purpose for this week’s climate-striking school students, for their next 30 years, must be the question. And given that streets, once surveyed, tend to endure, the…
Seriously serial structure plan submission
There is much to applaud and support in Warkworth’s draft structure plan. Submissions are invited, as is statutorily required, prior to the final stages, labelled “Changes to Structure Plan and Adoption” or, as the text explains, “Following consultation…
Warkworth watermills millraces and weirs
A more apposite topic for the next town-hall talk could scarcely be conceived. The fact that such a topic has already been conceived, is another story, hopefully for the following Warkworth Town Hall Talk. On Wednesday 13 March, the historian…
Mahurangi Regatta 2019 gallery
Just the beginnings of another mostly Bergquist beauteous gallery of Mahurangi Regatta images. Principal regatta photographer since 2006, Lyn Bergquist’s art positively pervades the Mahurangi Cruising Club Yearbook, looking at 20…
Valiant and virtuous volunteer regatta crew
Virtually ahead of every regatta, the need for volunteers is ventilated. But to avoid repeating this year’s last-minute scrabble to make up an apparent shortfall, several measures are being planned. The first is to augment the ‘This Saturday’s Mahurangi Regatta needs volunteers…
Mahurangi Regatta 2019 results
Results are ordered alphabetically by division, then by handicap place within each division. However, for those desiring an overall picture of the day’s racing, a combined-fleet list ordered by elapsed time is appended below the division placings…
Mahurangi Regatta 2019 lost and found
Given that more than a thousand people attended the prize giving and dance, that almost all the evenings detritus found its way into the dozen wheelie bins provided by Mahurangi Regatta principal sponsor Teak Construction is testament…
Livestreaming the prize giving and dance
For many, the Mahurangi Regatta beats Christmas. But not all of those devotees can attend every regatta prize giving and dance. Until tonight. Thanks to the wonderful people who did the Warkworth Town Hall proud doing Mahurangi Action the…