Dedicated to democracy, enjoying and restoring the Mahurangi, meaningful climate action, and curiosity—
primarily pre-pandemic content accessible from this page. Go to lastest content…
Whitebait deserve layer too Waiwera – Waipū
When a Warkworth Town Hall Talk catalysed the Mahurangi-based green-lipped mussel reef restoration research project, it triggered a veritable chain reaction. The immediate impact was to shock the community into taking responsibility for a ‘Mahurangi…
Millrace to the rescue of whitebait and weir
Millennia before human habitation, the natural sandstone weir at the Mahurangi River tidehead would have formed a formidable barrier to īnanga in their imperative to migrate from the sea to freshwater reaches. Then, over about the last 6000 years, towards…
Arising from ashes of the Phoenix
Better connecting its tidehead town to its river has been a Mahurangi Action goal, since the organisation was formed 44 years and a fortnight ago. Understandably, for a forward-looking town, Warkworth was built with its back to the river that represented…
Phase 3 of action plan to connect the dots
Billed as a district and regional council initiative—in reality, all the running had been made by the Auckland Regional Council—the goal of Mahurangi Action Plan, launched in 2004, was to kickstart the fencing and planting of riparian margins, and…
Warkworth Town Hall Talks are all action
Wednesday night’s wonderful, wonderfully well-attended town-hall talk wasn’t supposed to happen and wouldn’t have, had Auckland Council not hired Adrian and Alex Hayward to promote the use of the Warkworth Town Hall. The same day Adrian…
Near-certainty of 66-metre sea-level rise
Permanent ice sheets are a misnomer. Ages involving alternating glacial and interglacial periods are ephemeral, occupying only a small percentage of geological time. Humankind’s greatest—although certainly not in any laudatory…
Mahurangi mussels in to save the planet
Green-lipped-mussel-reef establishment might seem an unlikely choice for a climate-change tour-de-force by the organisation that revived the Mahurangi Regatta 42 years ago this summer. But Mahurangi Action believes that the beauty of the…
Support Mahurangi mussel action
These six quick check-the-box questions will help Mahurangi Action plan the five-year green-lipped mussel reef restoration research project. With your even modest support, by greatly leveraging other funding sources this Mahurangi-based…