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Climate Polycrisis mega-mobilisation

Salvaging a survivable climate one Mahurangi Harbour at a time

Dedicated to the Mahurangi, the Mahurangi Harbour community, and Mahurangi mobilisation

Climate Mega-Polycrisis mega-mobilisation

Winston Churchill inspecting units of the New Zealand Division with, clockwise, Bernard Freyberg, Bernard Montgomery; John Poston, driver

Light the Fuse

Cimino | 3 April 2024
Readers of its unedifying history, in millennia to come, will scarcely credit that the Climate Polycrisis took so long to be convincingly named. Successive cohorts of historians will struggle to explain this phenomenon, and labour to quantify quite how critical a lacuna…

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United States Troops, Queen Street, World War II

chapter 9 – Dire need to name
Mega-climate polycrisis

Cimino | 9 Jul 2024
By its first centennial, all bets are off as to what the ever-deepening, mega-climate polycrisis will be being called, much less by the time its first millenniala 1000th anniversary or its celebration. First known, adjectival use recorded 1660 rolls round. Cimino, in 2024, has adopted Climate Polycrisis, fully cognisant of the possibility that, by the end of…

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Avspecs Ltd-restored Mosquito—RAF FB.IV night intruder variant, NS838—during flight testing in New Zealand prior to disassembly and shipment to the United States

Thinking outside the 
Three-bedroom-breeding box

Cimino | 11 Jun 2022
Good for absolutely nothing, war is now preoccupying the every waking moment that should be fiercely focussed on the climate emergency. For those born into the post-war optimism of the United Nations, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sharply increased the struggle…

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Avspecs Ltd-restored Mosquito—RAF FB.IV night intruder variant, NS838—during flight testing in New Zealand prior to disassembly and shipment to the United States

Mega-Climate Polycrisis mobilisation 
More on mega-mobilisation…

Cimino | 17 Sep 2024
Objectively, civilisation is displaying every indication that it could fail to mobilise in the face of the spiralling climate mega-polycrisis at sufficient speed and scale to salvage a survivable climate. Every molecule of effort not  fiercely concentrated the world’s first mega…

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DisclosureHusbandCimino Cole of the publisher of this content is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
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