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Mahurangi Harbour community marquee

Dedicated to the Mahurangi Regatta and the hosting Mahurangi Harbour community

Marquee gallery

Mahu West Summer Fest marquee, evening, Mike Neil, 20240217

Mahurangi Harbour community 
Marquee rate card

Cimino | 25 Aug 2024
With the first 2026—yes, 2026 —wedding already pencilled in, it is clearly way, way  past time for the rates for the Mahurangi Harbour community marquee to posted here, online. Mahurangi Regatta, of course, is the principal reason the Mahurangi Harbour comm…

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Mahu West Summer Fest marquee, evening, Mike Neil, 20240217

Sweet Mahurangi community 
Summer Fest serendipity

Cimino | 24 Jan 2024
Serendipitously, the Mahurangi Harbour community’s own marquee, commissioned for Saturday’s regatta, has arrived in the nickpun, of course, intended: ‘Nick’ Carnachan being promotor of the Mahu West Summer Fest! of time to also go up for a second not-for-profit event: The first Mahu West Summer Fest, on 17 February. A community…

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Mahurangi Regatta marquee, 2008

Buy the ultimate Mahurangi 
Regatta marquee now!

Cimino | 8 Nov 2023
In the wholly unlikely event that Mahurangi had  served a period as New Zealand’s capital, after its potential suitability had been assessed for that purpose, the harbourscape of Auckland’s best kept secret would, today, be predominantly urban. In glorious contrast…

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End notes


Disclosure The author of this novel modello is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
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