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Mahurangi magazine

Dedicated to the Mahurangi and the Mahurangi Harbour community

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Save the date : 6 Oct 2024 
Mahurangi West Hall

by Cimino | 23 May 2024
Sunday 6 October may seem an excessively long way off for the Mahurangi Magazine  to be posting a save-the-date notice, but there is  justification. It could be any date to be saved between now and October that utilised the community signboard erected at the…

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Scow Mahu concept, 2019

Going with the best-current-ferry flow

Cimino | 10 Aug 2024
This article began life a year ago, as a best-current-thinking footnote to It’s a barge! It’s a boat! It’s the J Barry Ferguson . Titled Purpose-Designed Flat-Bottomed, the footnote suggested that work-to-date estimating the probable cost of extending the…

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Coastal path and the greater Mahurangi regional park

Cimino | 4 Mar 2022 | updated 16 Aug 2024
Wenderholm, objectively, was where it started. While the 1729-hectare Centennial Memorial Park established in 1940 is recorded as Auck­land’s first regional park, Wenderholm was the first of a half-century of regional parkland acquisitions that resulted in today’s…

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Myna event poster

Majorly late notice of myna event

Cimino | 13 Aug 2024
Please excuse the appalling tardiness of the posting this important notice. Greatly to be applauded, in contrast, is this use of the local notices sign, at the Mahurangi West and Pukapuka roads intersection. Major myna speaker, on Friday evening, is Tam…

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Queen Street Wharf, Henry Winkelmann

Review: Changing Times 
Brilliantly highlighting revival

by Mike Neil | 23 Oct 2009 | updated 30 July 2024
There’s a rumour that it’s really a red wine appreciation society. To allay this misconception, of the Mahurangi Harbour Book Club, I have been asked to do something that I have never done before: Write  a review of a book! So I poured a glass of good red and set to work…

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Winston Churchill inspecting units of the New Zealand Division with, clockwise, Bernard Freyberg, Bernard Montgomery; John Poston, driver

Light the Fuse

by Cimino | 3 April 2024
Readers of its unedifying history, in millennia to come, will scarcely credit that the Climate Polycrisis took so long to be convincingly named. Successive cohorts of historians will struggle to explain this phenomenon, and labour to quantify quite how critical a lacuna…

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Mahu West Summer Fest marquee, evening, Mike Neil, 20240217

Sweet Mahurangi community 
Summer Fest serendipity

Cimino | 24 Jan 2024
Serendipitously, the Mahurangi Harbour community’s own marquee, commissioned for Saturday’s regatta, has arrived in the nickpun, of course, intended: ‘Nick’ Carnachan being promotor of the Mahu West Summer Fest! of time to also go up for a second not-for-profit event: The first Mahu West Summer Fest, on 17 February. A community…

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Mahurangi Regatta sack race, 2006, Scotts Landing

Grand future for good- 
Old-fashioned picnic regatta

by Cimino | 8 Nov 2023
Pointedly billed as a good old-fashioned, leave-your-wallet-at-home picnic regatta since its 1977 revival by Mahurangi ActionMahurangi Action Incorporated: established 1974 as Friends of the Mahurangi, the organisation has very deter­minedly kept it that way ever since. Although the beach had been in public ownership for Mahurangi West parkland acquired 1967–1970seven or so years…

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Earlier articles 

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Disclosure The editor of the Mahurangi Magazine is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
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