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Light the fuse

Not the great New Zealand novel

An early work in progress dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-mega­mobilisation and the Mahurangi

Dare to be wise!

A brief introduction

Hitachi in-motion-charging trolley dump-truck

Light the Fuse 

by Cimino | 30 Jun 2024
Principal premise of Light the fuse: Not the great New Zealand novel  is that humankind will only mobilise to salvage a remotely  survivable climate, if, and only if, the mobilisation needed is promptly, convincingly demon­strated. Beyond urgent, the imperative for mob…

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Salvatore Cimino, Te Papa Tongarewa

Light the Fuse 
Author’s note

by Cimino | 17 Jul 2024
Salvatore, was the given name of my mother’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He, however—Salvatore Michele Saverio Cimino, born on Capri—was not the son-of-a-Salvatore, but of the third son of a naval captain, Michele Cimino, and his  wife, Anna…

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Harriet Cole-Scuttle and Hudson U. Rock

Light the Fuse 

by Cimino | 25 Jul 2024
Home alone, her beloved Burmesies had dictated Sarah and I only tarry an hour or so, after Peter Skerman’s send-off. Heading northward—that much was apparent from the bearing of the sinking sun—we were only slightly disconcerted at how long Sarah’s phone…

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Dorsey Burnette

chapter 1
Light the fuse, step back

by Cimino | 6 Jul 2024
Given Hutchins’ deterioration, it risks seeming a cruel question. Judging, however, he’ll welcome it, Cimino asks his old primary school friend—and author of thirty published books: “Hutch, are you currently writing?” His eyes light up. Enthusiastically, walking-frame…

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Norman Kirk

chapter 2
Recruiting an irresistible face

by Cimino | 12 Jul 2024
Gifted his first chapter by Hutchins, Cimino suddenly realises he’s been gifted his second, by Biden. The previous day, on their way home from visiting a 92-year-old friend whose face and faculties would easily render him fitter than the incumbent, for office…

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Adam Tooze

chapter 5
Losing the bloody The

by Cimino | 7 Aug 2024
Opportunist, along with perfectionist, were just two of the many terms Cimino, as a child, had misappre­hended as entirely laudatory attributes—Cimino and a sibling being, almost certainly, each somewhere along the autistic continuum. Although his father, Claud…

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Falmouth quay punt Curlew, off South Georgia

chapter 7
Aspirations of a dumb-arse

by Cimino | 25 Jul 2024
One, final year at a campus more hallowed than a freshly built district high school plus prefabs didn’t dramatically deepen Cimino’s education. Mount Albert Grammar, at the time, wasn’t even excelling in its previous one-claim-to-fame—rowing—down from its…

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Waiwera Wharf, excursioners boarding

appendix 1
Buy Waiwera

by Cimino | 21 Aug 2023
Demolition of the derelict Waiwera pools infrastructure was inevitable. However, the fate of the revered hot mineral pools is potentially far more miserable for the memories of the millions of Aucklanders who’d ever made it their mecca. For what now feels an eternity…

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Front Matter 

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Disclosure The author of this novel modello is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
Copyright ©2024 Mahurangi Magazine.
All rights reserved.