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Mahurangi marquee gallery Mahurangi Regatta latest Dr R H Locker’s history of the Mahurangi Light the Fuse
brief introduction
Climate-action mobilisation hmss Buffalo Mahurangi Action Inc. Mahurangi Action Plan Regional parkland Watermills, millraces, dams and weirs

Best known as the Mahurangi Magazine

Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi

Mahurangi, Mahurangi, it was always to Mahurangi

Chillin‘ Out, Max Cumming, Mahurangi Regatta 2006

Mahurangi  Magazine 
Articles gallery

Cimino | 2024
From the cover of the first and last glossy edition of the Mahurangi Magazine that led to this magazine-styled site, the work of photographers and fine artists leavens the writing, unrelentingly impatient with Earthlings’ failure to prioritise the well­being of their home planet…

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Waiwera–Mahurangi, aerial

Mahurangi Coastal Path 
Latest coastal-path content

Cimino | 2024
Magnificence of the Mahurangi Coastal Path will be such that none who walk it will imagine for a moment that its inevitability was ever other than a given. Coastal walkway, surely is the measure of a civilised country, particularly  a small, South Pacific island nation…

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Mahurangi Regatta 2006, sack race at Scotts Landing, unusually. Photographer, Max Cumming

Mahurangi Regatta 
Latest regatta content

Cimino | 15 Sep 2024
Over the summers, Mahurangi Regatta organisers have been rewarded by images offered by a legion of superb photographers. The canon of work by Lyn Bergquist will possibly never be matched, but, in 2006, it was beauty­fully complemented by the sublime Max Cumming…

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Huawai, Valerie Pendred linocut landscape

A History of the Mahurangi 
Locker’s jade-shaded river

Ronald H Locker | 2001
A Mahurangi son, if there ever was one, was deeply moulded by time spent with his grandparents, in their corner of Huawai Bay, where, on a neap tide, the mangroves were barely wetted. When his Jameison forebears settled that niche would have enjoyed far…

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Mahu West Summer Fest marquee, evening, Mike Neil, 20240217

Mahurangi Harbour community 
Marquee gallery

Cimino | 15 Sep 2024
Essential for the sustainability of Mahurangi Regatta, as the pinnacle of equitable access, the Mahurangi Harbour community marquee is also available for private events that benefit the community, weddings being the standout contributors in that regard…

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Winston Churchill inspecting units of the New Zealand Division with, clockwise, Bernard Freyberg, Bernard Montgomery; John Poston, driver

Light the Fuse 
A brief introduction

Cimino | 31 Aug 2024
In its very earliest of stages, please be warned that this is the mother-of-all works in progress. Few chapters, or front matter items are anything like complete—serial­isation taken to absurd new heights. Only time will tell whether it is a writer’s block breakthrough or recipe…

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Avspecs Ltd-restored Mosquito—RAF FB.IV night intruder variant, NS838—during flight testing in New Zealand prior to disassembly and shipment to the United States

Salvaging a survivable Climate 
Mega-polycrisis mobilisation

Cimino | 17 Sep 2024
Objectively, civilisation is displaying every indication that it could fail to mobilise in the face of the spiralling climate mega-polycrisis at sufficient speed and scale to salvage a survivable climate. Every molecule of effort not  fiercely concentrated the world’s first mega…

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Late Paleozoic icehouse to Anthropocene epoch stratigraphical chart 
End notes

Cimino | 3 Jul 2024
Notes nor end notes are not normally expected in a novel, much less a magazine. But not only is Light the Fuse : Not the Great New Zealand Novel  not your ordinary novel, it is part-factual, part-counterfactual, part future-factual-conditional; and the Mahurangi

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Disclosure Editor of this content is also the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
Copyright ©2024 Mahurangi Magazine.
All rights reserved.