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Mahurangi coastal path

Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-mega­mobilisation and the Mahurangi

Latest coastal-path content

Scow Mahu concept, 2019

Going with the best-current-ferry flow

Cimino | 10 Aug 2024
This article began life a year ago, as a best-current-thinking footnote to It’s a barge! It’s a boat! It’s the J Barry Ferguson . Titled Purpose-Designed Flat-Bottomed, the footnote suggested that work-to-date estimating the probable cost of extending the…

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Waiwera–Mahurangi, aerial

appendix 2
Buy Waiwera plan b or…

by Cimino | 5 October 2023
Myriad reasons make it preferable, for Buy Waiwera plan b, to instead be: Buy Waiweraphase 2. That said, should the Buy Waiwera moonshot fail to make it to the launch pad, an end-to-end Mahurangi Coastal Path would make for a stunningly salubrious plan b. Buy

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It’s a barge! It’s a boat!
It’s the J Barry Ferguson 

Cimino | 28 Jun 2023
By any reasonable criteria, the J BarryFerguson  can be described as a landing barge. Clearly not in the assault-troop-landing sense, not least of all because of its diminutive size. In one very important respect, however, the J BarryFerguson  is not a typical…

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Coastal path and the greater Mahurangi regional park

Cimino | 4 Mar 2022 | updated 16 Aug 2024
Wenderholm, objectively, was where it started. While the 1729-hectare Centennial Memorial Park established in 1940 is recorded as Auck­land’s first regional park, Wenderholm was the first of a half-century of regional parkland acquisitions that resulted in today’s…

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Barge J Barry Ferguson, on plane

Hungry-Creek-Road-first policy 
Right for the wrong reasons

by Cimino | 30 Sep 2022
Prioritising private-light-vehicle access via Hungry Creek Road, ahead of a footbridge across Te Muri estuary, is countercounterproductive in response to suggestion of using a possibly more politic adjective than the ‘perverse’ used in the first draft, and my ‘pertinacious’ second stab… productivepossibly more productive adjective than the ‘perverse’ used in the first draft, and my ‘pertinacious’ second stab? policy making, utterly and hope­lessly incompatible with Auckland Council’s own declared climate emergency. Fortunately, the tens…

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DRAFT Regional Parks Management Plan – Te Muri Regional Park

Te Muri, coastal path, and previous 
Public transport trials

by Cimino | 10 Dec 2021
From day one, preserving the sense of splendid isolation that is Te Muri, was the mission of the Mahurangi Coastal Path. Since its 1973 purchase as regional parkland, Mahurangi West locals had had the run of Te Muri, or at least of the coastal margin of…

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John Darrach, boatbuilder and education activist

Te Muri access dictated location 
Coffee-and-croissants drop-in

by Cimino | 3 Jul 2021
Was it not for John Darrach’s 1880s activism, Saturday’s coffee-and-croissants drop-in day, in Mahurangi West’s former school, would have been held in Sullivans Bay. John Darrach was so exercised about the danger to the 23 Māori and 14 Pākehā children living at…

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Conceptual Mahurangi Coastal Path route

Mahurangi Coastal Path 
Further content

by Cimino | 7 Sep 2024
Mahurangi Coastal Path content published prior to 2022 is still available, but in a somewhat less phone-friendly format. Laborious process, but also an opportunity to improve, and to fix links that have broken when, as is inevitable when linked…

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Disclosure The author of this novel modello is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
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