by Cimino | 18 Mar 2009 | Warkworth
Sewage brings out the worst in people, and the worst people out. Although that is deliberately trite, sewerage proposals are legendary for eliciting the not-in-my-backyard response. It was easy in 1974. The Warkworth town council imposed a flawed scheme, albeit a...
by Cimino | 8 Nov 2008 | Warkworth
Planning Rodney looks like a plan. Much of the hydrological catchment is shown in a Kaipara–Mahurangi green buffer—the largest of three that would stretch from coast to coast. North of this green buffer is the northeastern mixed activity area, in a band that includes...
by Cimino | 16 Jul 2008 | Development design guide
It made little impact at Friday’s breakfast. But that was hardly surprising, given the privilege of being the first residents to preview a provocative video that proposes Rodney takes a leaf out of the Lake District’s book and determinedly protect the beauty of the...
by Cimino | 7 Jul 2008 | Development design guide
The suggestion came from Rodney District Council’s urban designer, Andrew Trevelyan: It might be good at some stage to have a round table discussion with the team over a breakfast—topic being, ‘What will our future settlements look like?’ Of course have a very clear...
by Mahurangi Action | 10 Jun 2008 | Warkworth
In Brief Mahurangi Actionestablished 1974 as Friends of the Mahurangi, and styled thus at time of submission welcomes this discussion on the Warkworth town centre. The proposed upgrade is a prime opportunity to develop the potential of one of Warkworth’s unique...
by Cimino | 4 Jun 2008 | Warkworth
It’s all on for the riverside town. The proposed town centre upgrade and now a proposed district plan change. The council’s explanation is that the proposed plan change comes out of Warkworth’s structure plan and would ‘maintain the present boutique-flavour of the...