+64 27 462 4872 editor@mahurangi.org.nz

The Mahurangi Magazine

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Forum flies through first big test

Forum flies through first big test

Sewage brings out the worst in people, and the worst people out. Although that is deliberately trite, sewerage proposals are legendary for eliciting the not-in-my-backyard response. It was easy in 1974. The Warkworth town council imposed a flawed scheme, albeit a...
Is planning Rodney sprawling Rodney?

Is planning Rodney sprawling Rodney?

Planning Rodney looks like a plan. Much of the hydrological catchment is shown in a Kaipara–Mahurangi green buffer—the largest of three that would stretch from coast to coast. North of this green buffer is the northeastern mixed activity area, in a band that includes...
It can be done; it has been done

It can be done; it has been done

It made little impact at Friday’s breakfast. But that was hardly surprising, given the privilege of being the first residents to preview a provocative video that proposes Rodney takes a leaf out of the Lake District’s book and determinedly protect the beauty of the...
Warkworth town-centre upgrade submission

Warkworth town-centre upgrade submission

In Brief Mahurangi Actionestablished 1974 as Friends of the Mahurangi, and styled thus at time of submission welcomes this discussion on the Warkworth town centre. The proposed upgrade is a prime opportunity to develop the potential of one of Warkworth’s unique...
Their way and the highway bypass

Their way and the highway bypass

It’s all on for the riverside town. The proposed town centre upgrade and now a proposed district plan change. The council’s explanation is that the proposed plan change comes out of Warkworth’s structure plan and would ‘maintain the present boutique-flavour of the...