+64 27 462 4872 editor@mahurangi.org.nz

The Mahurangi Magazine

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Visitor strategy vision more of a mission

Visitor strategy vision more of a mission

As visions go, it is less than galvanising. It presumably is not intended to form part of any promotional material for the area. Aside from being bland, the 58-word vision statement set out in the draft Pūhoi to Pakiri Region Visitor Strategy 2012–2017 could apply to...
Entirely fortuitous Pakiri–Pūhoi clash

Entirely fortuitous Pakiri–Pūhoi clash

It would have made for a perfect Mahurangi Club topic. In the event, the next first-Monday-of-the-month clashed with the date chosen by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development to hold a public meeting to present research to inform a Pakiri–Pūhoi visitor...
Pakiri–Pūhoi naming rites

Pakiri–Pūhoi naming rites

The region was once called Mahurangi. Not the Mahurangi River—at the time of European settlement it was called Waihē. For Māori, Mahurangi was the fortified sea stack off Waiwera, and its immediate hinterland. For the want of pre-existing name for it, European...
Mahurangi Magazine’s draft plan submission

Mahurangi Magazine’s draft plan submission

The Mahurangi Magazine agrees with the following priorities proposed in the draft Rodney Local Board Plan: General With one very specific exception, which is addressed in the next section, the Mahurangi Magazine generally supports the content of the draft Rodney Local...
First challenge is deciding what is a priority

First challenge is deciding what is a priority

The draft Rodney Local Board Plan submission form begins with: I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan: The difficulty is that, in the draft plan, seven priorities are listed. The first listed, for example, is: Priority One: Build...
Submissions on draft plan: Start with the positive

Submissions on draft plan: Start with the positive

It’s not that it’s a bad plan. That notwithstanding, most comments on the draft local board plan will be negative simply because it is human nature for folk to react strongly to things they disagree with. So it could be argued that by asking citizens to state the...