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Global democracy and Robin Hood tax

Global democracy and Robin Hood tax

Only 26 sovereign states are judged full democracies. Most of the world’s 196 countries use democracy somewhat sparingly, if at all. And although Aotearoa is ranked fifth amongst the fully democratic, it directly elects neither its head of government—the prime...
Fascination with the beauty of models

Fascination with the beauty of models

There is nothing put at risk, bar the possible dashing of preconceptions. Such is the beauty of models; they allow scenarios to be explored virtually, at very little cost—once the software has been written, the model can be run again and again with the only...
Australasia first step in Greens going global

Australasia first step in Greens going global

It’s a dirty word amongst most Green supporters. But globalisation, of democracy, is essential if global climate action is to have the best chance of averting ruinous greenhouse gas concentrations. Back in 2003, Green Party Senator Bob Brown moved: That the Senate...
First-past-the-post ‘win’ argument for preferential

First-past-the-post ‘win’ argument for preferential

It is easily overlooked. Aotearoa may enjoy exemplary proportional representation, but electorate representatives are still elected by the multiply flawed first-past-the-post system. Voters in last Saturday’s by-election were allowed to express only their first...
National’s Power sets scene to retain and change mmp

National’s Power sets scene to retain and change mmp

Some’ll see it as fiddling while climate warms. And never mind reviewing the electoral system, many see democracy as inherently incapable of responding adequately to avert runaway global warming, and hanker for a benign dictator. Famously James Lovelock, father of the...
Second past the post preferred

Second past the post preferred

Another election and another clamour to scrap preferential voting. New Zealanders are wondering why Wellington, for example, would choose a system that makes ’em wait days to hear who they’ve elected mayor. And sifting through interminable lists of district health...