by Cimino | 7 Jan 2012 | Cartoons, Global democracy
As the Member for Epping, he failed to alert Parliament to the threat posed by the rearmament of Germany. Despite Winston Churchill’s increasingly urgent warnings, it took the invasion of Poland to convince Britian to take action. The invasion of Austria, albeit...
by Cimino | 25 Dec 2011 | MMP
But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good Oh Lord! Please don’t let me be misunderstood It’s the Christmas present the planet doesn’t need. A signature of runaway global warming is the sudden release of methane from the ice-like clathrate compounds buried in ocean...
by Cimino | 18 Dec 2011 | Māori representation, MMP
Two elephants in the room, are two too many. The Māori roll and size of parliament are the two no-go areas for the Electoral Commission review, which will call for public submissions in mid-February and hold public meetings in April and May. The two subjects share...
by Cimino | 13 Dec 2011 | MMP
At 74.21%, Aotearoa hasn’t seen lower turnout percentages, consistently, since 1887. And although the 1978 turnout is recorded as 69.2%, this was a one-off aberration reflecting an under-resourced attempt to reform the electoral enrolment process—the following two...
by Temepara Morehu | 1 Dec 2011 | Māori representation
I am now three months off age 64. And I think I am finally over waking up election morning and making sure that me my children and one mokopuna go out and vote. My paternal grandfather urged his children to ‘tick the paper or don’t moan.’ I am of the same ilk, as was...
by Cimino | 30 Nov 2011 | Cartoons, MMP
It was uncannily similar to ancient Greece. In Saturday’s tactical voting, where 54% could be said to have voted against John Banks, citizens were mimicking the first formal Greek use of the ballot, which was to ostracise a civic leader—his name having been scratched...