by Cimino | 5 Sep 2018 | Transport and climate action
Aucklanders once took an average of more than 400 public-transport trips per year. In 1945, with a sixth of the population, Aucklanders were taking nearly 120 million trips, compared to today’s paltry 90 million boardings. Not that all Aucklanders should be aspiring...
by Cimino | 30 Aug 2018 | Transport and climate action, Warkworth
Mahurangi Action’s feedback was lodged Friday afternoon, an hour or two ahead of the 5 pm Friday 7 September deadline. Although the user-editable pro forma originally at this location was only used for eight submissions, the feedback will help focus attention...
by Cimino | 23 Aug 2018 | Transport and climate action, Warkworth, Warkworth Town Hall Talk
September’s town-hall talk is now cancelled, along possibly with the balance of this year’s. The September slot was pencilled in for the topic of paedophilia awareness—apparently paedophile networks operate locally—but no subsequent response was able to be elicited...
by Cimino | 16 Aug 2018 | Motorway, Open-ground, Rail with trail
One billion trees and bugger the science In 2004, $3 million over 5 years sounded like all Mahurangi’s Christmases had come at once. But a back-of-a-seed-packet calculation strongly suggested that the $3 million the former Auckland Regional Council had budgeted would...
by Cimino | 11 Aug 2018 | Action plan, Aquaculture, Marine farming, Mussel action, Sedimentation
The first time science brought its muscle to bear was in 2004. After ten years of studies aimed at baselining selected catchments ahead of urban development impacts, the scientists involved persuaded the former Auckland Regional Council that urgent intervention was...
by Cimino | 31 Jul 2018 | Warkworth Town Hall Talk
Weekend number one, would be the all-important, we’ve-only-got-one-shot-at-this, World-Famous Weekend in Warkworth. Ideally, the inaugural weekend would feature three world-famous names. Say, Angela Lansbury, Sir Bob Geldof, and, for the Sunday, Richard Dawkins—the...
by Cimino | 19 Jul 2018 | Climate action commission, Nuclear power
Photovoltaics have a huge future and have grown enormously, to about 1% of global energy use. Banking heavily upon it, Germany has plunged it’s poor into energy poverty, by shuttering nuclear. And not because of nuclear’s risk or impact on health, but to pander to...
by Cimino | 17 Jul 2018 | Climate action commission, Nuclear power
One person’s demagogue is another person’s saviour, and, for many fans, the Elon R Musk credibility needle will have finally flicked from where it had been firmly stuck on f—to e. For most students, in this age of social-media-supercharged celebrity, learning...
by Cimino | 13 Jul 2018 | Agricultural emissions, Carbon tax, Climate action commission, Nuclear power, Population
Comment on the proposed zero-carbon bill closes at 5 pm on 19 July. The following pro forma is provided by the Mahurangi Magazine in the earnest hope that the resultant legislation is exponentially more substantive than a zero-carbon-by-2050-target act. Having...