by Bob Moxon Browne | 31 Dec 2019 | Buffalo, History, Moxon Brownes
The Moxon Brownes Bob Moxon Browne Published 2019 This online edition is a work in progress; captions here are tailored, and additional images are provided, for the Mahurangi Magazine audience Chapter 9 Pages 69–84in printed edition Octavius’s brother, Gordon Davis...
by Cimino | 29 Dec 2019 | Campaign Finance Reform, Democracy index, Election turnout, MMP, STV
Compulsory voting cart before smarter-democracy horse Big business would be the biggest loser, was a Labour-led government to legislate to prosecute non-voters. Currently, unlike Australians, New Zealanders are legally allowed to refrain from voting. But with global...
by Cimino | 15 Dec 2019 | Māori representation, MMP, STV
Aotearoa might best advance stv by enhancing mmp Aotearoa is not just the world’s first full democracy because it was first to enfranchise women. Thanks to New Zealand’s geographic isolation and late colonisation, a partnership approach was attempted from the get-go,...
by Cimino | 10 Dec 2019 | Democracy index, Election turnout, STV, Zero-carbon energy
Climate and democracy at the mercy of plutocracy Epically ironically, salvaging a survivable climate and a free society possibly now depends upon a one plutocrat deposing another plutocrat, turned dictator. Far preferably, Republican Party senators would suspend...
by Cimino | 23 Nov 2019 | Climate mobilisation, Concurrent elections, STV
It is more than semantics. In the thousand-year war to survive anthropogenic global heating, a magazine of silver bullets the size of the 59 000-hectare Hawthorne depot, Nevada, will be needed. However, regardless of the problem, received wisdom would have it,...
by Cimino | 13 Nov 2019 | Warkworth, Warkworth Town Hall Talk
Sunday Sunset Boulevard town-hall matinee idyll In a former life, J Barry Ferguson, amongst many things, was: …the garden curator of Greenacre Park on 51st Street Manhattan, a private ‘vest-pocket’ park, open to everyone and owned by the Rockefeller Greenacre...
by Cimino | 6 Nov 2019 | Uncategorised
On 17 December, Mahurangi Action will be 45. This, indubitably, calls for a five-year plan to ensure all that reasonably can be, is achieved—for the Mahurangi, global climate and everything—before the organisation hits its half-centennialquinquagenary seems too...
by Cimino | 28 Oct 2019 | STV, Term of office
Big business would be the biggest loser, was a Labour-led government to legislate to prosecute non-voters. Currently, unlike Australians, New Zealanders are legally allowed to refrain from voting. But with global voter turnout in determined decline, New Zealand’s lack...
by Cimino | 18 Oct 2019 | Heritage vessels, Part 3 Pioneer Pākehā
Buffalo off spar station misses festival but makes history Pictorially, at least, hmss Buffalo off Gordon Davis Browne’s spar station will make a fashionably late arrival to Auckland Heritage Festival 2019, which concludes at the end of Labour Weekend. Given that...