Mahurangi Regatta 2022 sailing proceeding under Red setting

Programme for the 2022 Mahurangi Regatta, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the regatta revival by Mahurangi Action, the 32nd anniversary of the Mahurangi Cruising Club as racing organiser, and Teak Construction’s 7th year as principal Mahurangi Regatta sponsor.
Always appropriately provisional, Mahurangi Regatta programme
This 2022 regatta programme remains a work-in-progress, however, sailing is proceeding Saturday, under the Red covid-19 protection framework setting. The traditional shoreside events, however, will definitely not proceed, their cancellation having been notified nine weeks ago, in time to catch the Mahurangi Cruising Club Yearbook 2022.

Teak Construction, principal sponsor
solidly resourcing the Mahurangi Regatta
for the seventh year of a nine-year undertaking.
2022 Regatta Day Saturday 29 January
Celebrating the 45th anniversary of the regatta revival by Mahurangi Action, and the 180th Auckland Anniversary Day, day!
Sailing organiser, since 1990, is the Mahurangi Cruising Club.

Regatta Always in Doubt, But Never the Yearbook: Available from Paper Plus, New World, Mobil and Forget Me Not Florists, Warkworth, Gull Service Station and The Food Market, Snells Beach, and Matakana Bookshop. cover Mahurangi Cruising Club
Friday Night-Race to Mahurangi
- 3 pm
- Classic A and Modern Classics
- 3.05 pm
- Classic B and Woollacott Series
- 3.10 pm
- B Division – Hyslop Cup
- 6 pm
- A Division – Barometer Trophy
- Sailing Instructions
- Anchorage note
Mahurangi Regatta
45th anniversary of regatta revival by Mahurangi Action
162nd anniversary of the first-recorded Mahurangi Regatta
Generally held at Sullivans Bay, but due to covid-19, shoreside events, for 2022, are cancelled.
High tide 4.58 am (2.64 m from lowest astronomical tide level)
Low tide 11.06 am (0.73 m)
High tide 5.13 pm (2.64 m)
Low tide 11.36 pm (0.42 m)
- 9–9.30 am
- Registrations for Classic Launch Parade online only. Craft depart Scotts Landing 10.00 am
- am
- Entries for sailing events noted when, a week out, the forecast was for strong easterlies. In the event, all shoreside entries were taken, it is standard practice, at Sullivans Bayonline only
- am
- Launching of trailered boats will not occur at Sullivans Bay, nor at Ōpahi, in respectful observation of the rāhui in place there until midday Sunday. If you need help regarding launching options, contact Cimino on +64 27 462 4872.
- 10.30 am
- Classic Launch Parade—best viewed from elevation as the craft will not parade along the beach, this summer. No commentary from beach
- am
- Shoreside events—swimming, kayak, open (sit-on) kayak, and, possibly, dinghy, blindfold boat, lost-the-dinghy-oars, rowed inflatable, water run etc. cancelled 2022.
- Sailing events commence:
- 2021 Notice of Regatta
- Sailing Instructions
- Course
- Course for strong easterlies
- vhf
- channel 77
- 12.40 pm
- Te Haupa Trophy
- 12.50 pm
- Sailing dinghy classes – Frostbites, Mistrals and Zephers
- 1.00 pm
- A-Class
- 1.20 pm
- Mahurangi Cup, L-Classmullet boats, and Traditional Spirit Trophy
- 1.40 pm
- Mid-Century Classics – modern classics

Mahurangi Regional Park and all 28 other region parks are smoke free. Next challenge, fossil-free, might not be quite so easy.
- pm
- Sand sculpture competition cancelled 2022
- 1.30 pm
- Shoreside events cancelled 2022
- 3.30 pm–4.30 pm
- Retrieval of trailered boats will not occur at Sullivans Bay, nor at Ōpahi, in respectful observation of the rāhui in place there until midday Sunday. If you need help regarding launching and retrieval options, kindly contact Cimino on +64 27 462 4872.
- 3.30 pm
- Tug-of-war, cancelled 2022
- 4.00 pm
- Humongous annual egg-throwing competition, cancelled 2022

Dog-Free Regatta: The beach and picnic area at Sullivans Bay, at all times, is off-limits to dogs, as is the grassed area at Scotts Landing, but only during booked events such as the regatta. icon Mahurangi Magazine
Mahurangi Regatta Prize-Giving Dance cancelled 2022
Held at Scotts Landing, but not in 2022
Sunday morning Mahurangi Return Race
- 10.30 am
- Classic B and Modern B
- 11 am
- Classic A and Modern A
- Sailing Instructions
Monday morning Mahurangi – Auckland Anniversary Regatta race
- 9 am
- Keelboat passage race
- 2021 Auckland Anniversary Regatta schedule of events