2020 Coastal Heritage Art Competition finalists
from Horizon School, Snells Beach School, and Warkworth Primary School
First Place: Ayla Reve, A seagull over the bay
“A seagull in front of a golden sunset over the bay.” Age 10, Snells Beach School
Second Place: Indiana Schollum, Flesh-footed shearwater
“I chose this bird because I like how the bird sits on the water. I like my artwork because it focuses on the bird and makes it pop out. I wanted to make the seawater look real.” Age 10, Warkworth Primary School
Third Place: Danielle Blackmore, Rewa shipwreck
“I chose to do this piece of artwork as I wanted to do something different for me and to challenge myself. I wanted to make a stormy, moody picture.” Age 10, Warkworth Primary School
Special Mention: Blake Tippett, The shag
“The shag looking into the distance of this lovely world we live in.” Age 10, Snells Beach School
Riley Henry, Ship in the rough ocean
“The reason I chose this boat is because it looks like an olden day pirate ship and it sank the same day my brother was born. I was trying to show the ship in the rough ocean with all its flags smashing around with people inside.” Age 11, Horizon School
Zoe Brebner, Dotterel
“I chose this bird because our teacher was talking to us about the dotterel. I think everything in the picture goes really well together.” Age 9, Warkworth Primary School
Winther & Dellar, Shag by the river
“The shag is wandering around searching for food in the bright light” Ages 9, Snells Beach School
Oceayn Anderson, Ship in a storm
This piece of work shows us a ship strugglng to make way in high seas and stormy weather. Age 10, Horizon School
Ilan Aylward, kōtare – kingfisher
“I chose this bird because it’s my favourite bird and the colours are magnificent. What I was trying to show was how much I love art and birds.” Age 10, Horizon School
Dania Meafou, Kingfishers unique
“I chose to do a kingfisher because I find kingfishers unique. I am trying to show how cool kingfishers are and all of their amazing colours, and how they are different to other birds.” Age11, Horizon School
Chelsea Pearce, The oystercatcher’s background
“I chose this bird because I like how oystercatchers break open oysters with their beaks. I chose the black and white background because I think it shows the oystercatcher’s personality quite well.” Age 9, Horizon School
Noah Cavanagh, How beautiful our native birds are
“The birds are gannets. When someone sees this art, I want people to see how beautiful our native birds are.” Age 10, Snells Beach School
Marie King, Shag on the rocks
“This art is inspired by Don Binney. I love the Mahurangi and think it is beautiful.” Age 11, Snells Beach School
Lucy Cole, Free bird
“I am trying to show a free bird. It can fly wherever it wants.” Age 10, Snells Beach School
Indiana Schollum, Rewa shipwreck
“I chose this shipwreck because it is well known. I like how the greenery makes the ship stand out. I am trying to show what the shipwreck looked like when it crashed.” Age 10, Warkworth Primary School