Nominate someone as 2020 Mayor of Mahurangi

Sort-of As Seen on Spinoff: Likely to be declared a Rodney Local Board member two months ahead of the first Mayor of Mahurangi election, Ayla Walker sportingly agreed to be the first person nominated as Mayor of Mahurangi and is currently urging her fellow local board candidates to similarly accept nomination. image Spinoff | Mahurangi Magazine
Friend of the Mahurangi J Barry Ferguson has long argued the need for a local mayor.
Mayors, to be legitimate, need to be elected by preference voting—known as stvsingle-transferable-vote in Aotearoa, and known as rcvranked-choice-voting in the United States, where Barry resided until retiring to his country of birth. The need for a useful demonstration of stv to appropriately mark the bicentennial of its first use, on 17 December, is impeccably met by combining with the inaugural Mayor of Mahurangi election…
Nominations for the next Mayor of Mahurangi are closed for polling day, 17 December, and will reopen for the following mayoral term at midnight.