2018–2019 committee nominations to hand

Ahead of the 14 November annual general meeting, nine nominations have been received for Mahurangi Action Incorporated’s 2018–2019 committee:
Tessa Berger (as president incumbent) entrepreneur, Rodney Local Board member, chair of Mahurangi Coastal Trail Trust nominated by Hugh Gladwell, seconded by Jim Dollimore
Cimino Cole (as secretary incumbent) Mahurangi Magazine editor, secretary of Mahurangi Coastal Trail Trust nominated by Hugh Gladwell, seconded by Jim Dollimore
Jim Dollimore incumbent managing director of Biomarine nominated by Hugh Gladwell, seconded by Tessa Berger
Hugh Gladwell incumbent legal consultant, trustee of Jane Gifford Trust and Mahurangi River Restoration Trust nominated by Tessa Berger, seconded by Cimino Cole
Rachel Lampen environmental management nominated by Cimino Cole, seconded by Megan Beard
Cluny Macpherson emeritus professor, Massey University nominated by Cimino Cole, seconded by Stuart Charlton
Allison Milne marketing manager nominated by Cimino Cole, seconded by Stuart Charlton
Caitlin Owston-Doyle incumbent film crew and stunt woman nominated by Cimino Cole, seconded by Jim Dollimore
Clynt White incumbent landscape architect and urban designer nominated by Hugh Gladwell, seconded by Jim Dollimore
Further nominations, of course are welcome, particularly for the vacant position of treasurer—not least of all to spare the secretary working beyond his competence preparing the annual financial statement unsupervised. Although Mahurangi Action’s rules stipulate a minimum number, the maximum size of the committee is up to the annual general meeting, which means that all nominations, of financial members, will likely be accepted: