2014–2015 committee Mahurangi Action

Ask a Busy Person: Tessa Berger, not content with establishing an online start-up, volunteered to be Temepara Morehu’s vice-president, which incidentally means that Mahurangi Action’s committee now boasts two fluent te reo speakers. Tessa, pictured at the Valentine’s Day launch of Lane Merchandise, at Tu Ngutu Villa, with her beloved Mahurangi Harbour as the backdrop. photographer Maree Owston-Doyle
On 2 November 2014, the following were elected as the committee of Mahurangi Action Incorporated for 2014–2015:
Tessa Berger (as vice-president) entrepreneur
nominated by Cimino Cole seconded by Hugh Gladwell
Cimino Cole (as secretary) editor incumbent
Jim Dollimore biologist incumbent
Hugh Gladwell lawyer incumbent
Michael Gordon (as treasurer) engineer incumbent
Temepara Morehu (as president) stevedore incumbent
Tom Walters oyster farmer incumbent