Mahurangi Regatta master stroke
First published at Mahurangi Rowing

Master Stroke: Mary and Audrey a.k.a the Emtage sisters on their way to winning the John Welsford Handicap, and Howard Lush laying his fourteenth claim to Master of the Mahurangi. photographer Keith Salmon
The 2010 Master of the Mahurangi race took place at 11 am.
The change to an 11 am time was designed to allow rowers to also compete in the sailing races in the afternoon. While this was possibly announced too late to be of benefit, we propose to continue with this time again next year—feedback welcome.
To be eligible for the Master of the Mahurangi trophy, the boat must be a traditional rowing boat in the sense that it has no sliding seat and no outriggers. However as many recreational rowing craft are built narrow in the beam and have outriggers, consideration is being given to allowing boats with outriggers to be eligible for the handicap trophies. Boats with sliding seats would continue to row with the seat in a fixed position. If you have any thoughts about this, please email us.
A change was also made to the course. Rather than rowing around the moored fleet, the race started at the southern end of the beach and headed down along the beach to a large mooring buoy at Ōpahi Bay (as used by a large blue ketch) and returned back to Sullivan Bay to finish at the northern-most buoy.
A warm welcome to two new competitors: Janet Holt rowing a Roger Williams –designed boat; and Zane Lewis rowing an adapted Welsford Dory.

On a Roll: Roger Williams being congratualated for his scond consecutive winning of the Master of Mahurangi Handicap trophy—by shoreside regatta director Michael Gordon, ex chief engineer of roll-on, roll-off ships. photographer Keith Salmon
The results were very similar to 2009—the first four boats to finish were
Eric Salmon Trophy Dan and Tom Salmon
Master of the Mahurangi Howard Lush—his fourteenth win!
Master of Mahurangi Handicap Roger Williams
John Welsford Handicap Mary and Audrey (the Emtage sisters)
Many thanks to shoreside regatta director Michael Gordon, announcer Cluny Macpherson, starter Robin Pendred, soundman Bob Campbell and the other people who helped to make this a great day.
Some comments from participants
Thanks for the email, great newsletter and photos. I really enjoyed the day so special thanks to all the organisers, I really hope this event continues, its fantastic! See you next year.
Thank you for the photos, it was a great day and luckily the weather held out for us.
Great photos and many thanks for arranging it all. We will be back.
Looked for in vain In the 19 January 2010 North Shore Time Advertiser, there was an advertisement for a Racing rowing boat ‘perfect for Mahurangi Regatta’, 21 foot x 3’9. 40 kg, kahikatea sweeps, balanced, f/glass, $1500. We had hoped it would turn up for the regatta but we didn’t see it.
Trophies If you win a trophy, please remember to engrave it and bring it back for the next year’s event.
Further information For further information about the Mahurangi Regatta—a great traditional picnic day for the whole family—visit the General Format
‘Latest’ [Mahurangi Regatta Master Stroke should have been brought to you shortly after the regatta. The editor apologises for overlooking this gem originally published by Keith Salmon.]