Getting down to Scotts Landing or across from the other side: Don’t pay the ferryman
Event date Saturday 30 January 2010
High tide 07:47 (1.30 m) then 20:03 (1.21 m)

Time for Another? Scotts Landing has two wharves, and the possibility of this replacement for one of them. The logistics of ferrying folk across the harbour to the Mahurangi Regatta Prize-Giving and Dance would be greatly facilitated by having at least one on the other side. rendering Jefferson Chapple
It’s thanks to two particular friends of the Mahurangi.
A bus will be shuttling back and forth along Ridge Road, and volunteers and prize-giving and dance – goers will be ferried across the harbour from Jamieson Bay to Scotts Landing.
First the busman James Colville was a good friend of Peter Oxborough, co-founder of the Mahurangi Cruising Club. Those who attended Peter’s funeral beside Scott Homestead will remember James as the driver of the Ridge Road shuttle bus from Grant Street that day. Having the shuttle bus was one of the undertakings given to the regional park management in respect to the special dispensation that was readily given for the send-off of a local legend.
A gold coin contribution the hire and fuel costs will put a smile on James’ face.
The 12-seater will shuttle to and from Scotts Landing from 3 pm until late tonight.
James Colville’s cell phone: 027 280 6404
Now for the ferryman When Friends of the Mahurangi revived the regatta in 1977, it was to demonstrate that it was about more than just objecting to sewage treatment schemes. The group has not always succeeded in parlaying the event into solid action in aid of the harbour. An oyster farmer, Andrew Hay is keen to raise awareness of the need to phase out through-the-hull sewage discharge from boats into the Mahurangi Harbour. With the hundreds of gorgeous classic and contemporary craft packing the harbour, it is an entirely appropriate time to contemplate just how sanitary the water is for swimming at the same time during the regatta weekend.
There might not be a gold coin collection, but support for phasing out through-the-hull sewage discharge will put a smile on Andrew’s face.
- All passengers must bring and wear a buoyancy vest.
- The first ferry will leave Jamieson Bay at 4.30 pm
- The second ferry will leave Jamieson Bay at 5.30 pm
- An early ferry will depart Scotts Landing at 9 pm
- The last ferry will depart Scotts Landing at 10.30 pm, or there abouts.
While there may be additional runs, there are absolutely no guarantees.
Andrew Hay’s cell phone: 021 425 948.
Three cheers for two exceptionally good friends of the Mahurangi.