Thousand-patty dilemma: Stubbs to the rescue
Event date Saturday 30 January 2010
High tide 07:47 (1.30 m) then 20:03 (1.21 m)

One Hundred and Thirty-Two Hours Out: Part of MetVUW forecast chart for regatta evening, issued at six this morning. chart MetVUW
Stubbs Village Butchery is under new ownership.
The new owners, Bill Brass and Richard Pennings, have just saved the bacon of the Mahurangi Regatta dance. Two years ago, the previous owner was indifferent when approached about supplying 500 patties, and so the order went to an excellent Hastings-based producer.
Hastings, however, was at a logistical disadvantage when faced with this year’s prospect of a possible cancellation. Confirmation, they said, must be received this afternoon.
Richard Pennings briefly paused his boning out, appraised the problem and stepped into the breech. ‘Even if we make nothing out of it,’ he says, ‘we’ll do it to get our name out there—to continue the legacy of Stubbs Village Butchery.’
While the forecast charts paint an increasingly problematic picture for Saturday, the regatta dance organisers now have the luxury of waiting until Wednesday morning to okay the order for 1000 venison patties.
So, thanks to the support of Dave Giddens Sailmakers and Stubbs Village Butchery, there is a fighting chance to continue the grand tradition of the Mahurangi Regatta Prize-Giving and Dance, on Saturday.
Three cheers for both businesses!